• B21N1505 Battery For Asus Eeebook L402SA E402SA E402MA R417SA R417MA
  • B21N1505 Battery For Asus Eeebook L402SA E402SA E402MA R417SA R417MA

    B21N1505 Battery For Asus Eeebook L402SA E402SA E402MA R417SA R417MA

    Price:   $99.99  $68.99-31%

    • Model: Asus B21N1505 Replacement Battery
    • Shipping Weight: 0.5kg
    • 100 Units in Stock

    Store Quantity Discount Policy

    2 - 4$1.99
    5 - 9$3.99
    10 - 19$5.99
    20 - 99$7.99
    100 + $9.99
    * The way the Order Total modules work is that they show up at checkout time
    (complete orders today,deliverd around 06/01/2025)

    B21N1505 Battery For Asus Eeebook L402SA E402SA E402MA R417SA R417MA 0B200-01400200M 0B200-01400300M

    Battery Type: Li-ion
    Voltage: 7.6V
    Capacity: 32Wh
    Model: B21N1505

    Notice: Asus B21N1505 Battery Have Two Battery, This One Is 5 Lines And 5 Columns And 25 Lattices

    Compatible Asus Models:

    Asus Eeebook L402SA L402SA-WH02 L402SA-WX065T L402SA-BB01-BL L402SA-WH02-OFCE L402SA-WX294TS L402SA-WX223TS
    Asus Eeebook E402SA E402SA3150 E402SA-DB02-BL E402SA-DS01-BL E402SA-WX013T E402SA-WX227T E402SA-WX014T E402SA-FR233T
    Asus Eeebook E402MA E402MA-EH E402MA-EH01 E402MA2940 E402MA-WX0001T E402MA-WX0055H E402MA-WX0073T E402MA-WX0031T E402MA-WX0037T
    Asus Eeebook R417SA R417SA-WX056T R417SA-WX011T R417SA-WX022T R417SA-WX235T R417SA-WX026T
    Asus Eeebook R417MA R417MA-WX0059H R417MA-WX0080H R417MA-WX0144T R417MA-WX0060T R417MA-WX0059T R417MA-WX0079H R417MA-WX0145T R417MA-WX0080T

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